公告單位  學務處生活輔導組  公告日期  2022/3/31
 主  旨  1102學期退制服費請同學核對明細公告
 內  容 
一、 本學期校服退費相關事宜需經與同學核對後,將陳公文簽核,經師長統一核閱後,辦理相關退費事宜。
二、 碩博士班休閒服需退費4位;購買部分制服且符合申請退費者12位;家境清寒;低收入戶減免學生申請補助制服費1位,以上共計17位同學。
三、 請相關同學核對退費數量與價格,並以電子郵件填寫回傳「郵局或銀行的制服費入款帳號」,外國學生需詳細填寫居留證號碼/護照號碼/國籍代碼。
四、 退制服費的同學建立銀行帳戶表格如附件,請詳細閱讀後填寫,避免銀行或郵局匯款錯誤領不到錢。
六、 如有校對明細需要更改者請以E-Mail通知相互核對,信箱justing@mail.tcu.edu.tw、若有問題歡迎洽詢學務處生輔組林欣儀,分機1202。
                      學務處生活輔導 組啟

1. The uniform refund detail will be checked with the respective students, and further being obtained the approval by the superior, the refund process will then be taken place.
2. There are 4 postgraduate students with casual uniform fee refund; 12 students of partial purchase and qualified for refund; 1 students with economic hardship or low income families have applied for uniform fee subsidy, all the above of total 17 students will be refunded.
3. For the above students, please check your refund detail of quantity and price. Please also fill in the banking information for uniform refund, and return by email. For international students, please identify further your resident permit number/passport number/national code.
4. Please find the attachment of the banking information form. Please read it carefully and fill in all the required information correctly to avoid any error in the refund process.
5. The refund detail check will be effective immediately until 2022/4/15. After due date, there will be no acceptance for refund request.
6. For any information to be corrected, please reply by email to justing@mail.tcu.edu.tw.

Should you have any query please contact Life Guidance Division, with extension # 1202.

 附  件  :  退制服費同學核對明細 ▼ 
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2022/3/31  公告迄止 :2022/4/15
 主辦單位   協辦單位 