公告單位  學務處生活輔導組  公告日期  2019/4/8
 主  旨  2019 First semester uniform fee refund detail
 內  容 
                      學務處生活輔導 組啟

1.The uniform refund detail will be checked with the respective students, and further being obtained the approval by the superior, the refund process will then be taken place.
2.18 students of partial purchase and qualified for refund;
3.For the above students, please check your refund detail of quantity and price. Please also fill in the banking information for uniform refund, and return by email. For international students, please identify further your resident permit number/passport number/national code.
4.Please find the attachment of the banking information form. Please read it carefully and fill in all the required information correctly to avoid any error in the refund process.
5.The refund detail check will be effective immediately until 2019/4/24. After due date, there will be no acceptance for refund request.
6.For any information to be corrected, please reply by email to justing@mail.tcu.edu.tw.

Should you have any query please contact Life Guidance Division, with extension # 1202.

 附  件  :  Refund uniform detail list ▼  |  Form of bank account ▼ 
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2019/4/8  公告迄止 :2019/4/25
 主辦單位 :Life Guidance Division  協辦單位 