公告單位  體育教學中心  公告日期  2023/10/30
 主  旨  運動會預賽公告(preliminary rounds of the sports event)
 內  容 
( Preliminary check-in time is at 12:10 PM sharp, please arrive on time.)

11/6(一)田徑100M(100 meters track and field)
11/7(二)田徑400M(400 meters track and field)
11/8(三)田徑200M(200 meters track and field)

(For the list of participants and grouping, please refer to the attached document.)


'In case of rain, the competition will be postponed, and further notice will be provided.'

 附  件  :  鉛球擲遠分組表 ▼  |  100M 400M 200M預賽分組表 ▼ 
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2023/10/30  公告迄止 :2023/11/8
 活動起始 :2023/10/30  活動迄止 :2023/11/8
 主辦單位 :體育教學中心  協辦單位 
 活動地點 :校本部