公告單位  學務處衛生保健組  公告日期  2023/6/8
 主  旨  【Mpox】 Epidemic Reminder ~~ Be Careful in Close Contact Behaviors
 內  容 
You need to know about Mpox

What is Mpox?
Mpox is a viral zoonotic disease.Sustainable person-to-person transmissions have been confirmed outside of endemic areas.

Symptoms of 【Mpox】
3.backache/Back pain
4.muscle ache
5.rashes that spread all over one’s body

How does Mpox virus spread?
1.Direct contacts with person that carries the rashes
2.Intimate physical contacts including sexual behaviors
3.Having direct contacts with animals that carry the virus
4.Indirect contacts including touching the object that is once used by the
person with Mpox

How to prevent Mpox ?
1.Avoid any possible contacts with ones that are diagnosed with Mpox
2.Wear a face mask to protect yourself
3.Always sanitize yourself and keep a good personal hygiene
4.Avoid any animals that may carry the disease
5.Make sure your food is cooked thoroughly and not raw

For related leaflets and other Mpox prevention and health education materials, please go to the website of the Centers for Disease Control(CDC)/Monkeypox Area/Propaganda Materials for inquiries and downloads

 附  件  :  Mpox ▼ 
 相關連結  : https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Advocacy/SubIndex/2xHloQ6fXNagOKPnayrjgQ?diseaseId=G3A6nyt8JmqIUcUF5Pek6w&tab=3
 公告起始 :2023/6/8  公告迄止 :2023/7/8
 主辦單位 :學務處衛生保健組  協辦單位 