公告單位  營繕組  公告日期  2024/12/31
 主  旨  再提醒【停電公告Power Outage Announcement】中央校區教學大樓區高低壓設備年度保養作業公告
 內  容 


總務處營繕組 敬啟

[Power Outage Announcement] Annual Electrical Maintenance on Main Campus

1.Reason for Power Outage: Essential annual maintenance of high and low-voltage equipment necessitates a planned power shutdown.

2.Maintenance Dates: The maintenance is scheduled for January 18-19, 2022 (Saturday and Sunday), from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on both days.

3.Areas Impacted: The outage will affect He-Jing Building, Qin-Geng Building, Da-She Building, Fu-Tian Building, Da-Ai Building, and the Sports Center.

4.Important Information During Maintenance:

(a)Emergency Power: Only emergency power sources will be available, including red socket outlets and emergency circuit lighting.

(b)Power in the Sports Center: The Sports Center generator will be offline to save energy. As a result, there will be no power in the entire facility during the maintenance period.

(c)Event Planning: All units are advised to avoid scheduling activities or classes during these dates to prevent disruptions.

(d)Equipment Use: to avoid damage or malfunction, devices lacking voltage stabilizers should not be used or plugged in during the outage.

(e)Supervision of Critical Equipment: Units overseeing areas with vital or uninterruptible power equipment should closely monitor these devices to ensure their proper operation after maintenance.

(f)Power Restoration: Post-maintenance, the Construction and Maintenance Group will restore power and verify that all substations and electrical systems in public areas are operational. Any post-restoration power issues should be promptly reported for resolution.

For any inquiries, please contact Ms. Yueh-Shia Chen at (03)856-5301, Ext. 11314, or Mr. Wei-Min Lu at the same number, Ext. 11315.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Warm regards,

Construction and Maintenance Group

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2024/12/31  公告迄止 :2025/1/19
 主辦單位 :總務處營繕組  協辦單位 