公告單位  課務組  公告日期  2024/12/23
 主  旨  The Course Evaluation Survey will take place from December 30 to January 5
 內  容 
Dear Students,

The Course Evaluation Survey will take place from December 30 to January 5 Please go to ICAN and fill in the questionnaire.

TCU conducts this survey for students
● To express their joy or difficulties in learning.
● To provide feedback to their teachers, regarding the reasons why they have difficulties in learning, and how their teachers can do a better job.
● To say thanks to their teachers, for the efforts they make or things they do well.

TCU wants to keep improving teaching quality, by treasuring students’ opinions and providing these opinions to faculty members, to assist them come up contents and approaches which are more suitable to their students.

This survey will take you 5 minutes, so thank you in advance for taking the time. We assure you that your answers will be treated in a strictly confidential manner.

Course Evaluation Survey
1. Fill in period: December 30, 2024 (Monday) 7:00 to January 5 , 2025(Sunday)24:00
2. 【Access ICAN by http://ican.tcu.edu.tw/login.aspx】-【Input人員帳號 (Your student ID#) and密碼 (Password), and click登入 (Sign in)】- 【Choose English】-【Select Course Evaluation】-【Pick教務問卷 (Questionnaire)】-【Select your course and fill in the Course Evaluation Survey】-【Click完成 (Confirm)】(please see the attached for the steps).
3. For any questions, contact Ms.Yeh, by calling (03)857-2677, ext. 31150, Or visiting the Office of Academic Affairs in person.

Best regards,

Curriculum Section,
Office of Academic Affairs

 附  件  :  SystemFillingDiagram ▼ 
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2024/12/23  公告迄止 :2025/1/5
 主辦單位   協辦單位 