公告單位  通識教育中心  公告日期  2024/11/7
 主  旨  【11/15線上講座】好奇學生大哉問|AI 讓影像說故事:引領創意與科技的視覺革命
 內  容 
好奇學生大哉問連結台灣專題講座 2024 年 11 月專題講座

主題:AI 讓影像說故事:引領創意與科技的視覺革命
The Fundamentals of AI-Assisted Visual Storytelling

主講:馬萬鈞 博士 Meta Platforms Inc. 研究員


📍地點:遠距視訊 (WebEx Video Conference)

時程:11/15/2024 (星期五)10:10 - 11:45 noon (台北時間)
11/14/2024 (Thursday) 6:10 - 7:45 PM (Los Angeles time)
嘉賓:馬萬鈞 博士
職銜:Meta Platforms Inc. 研究員
這場講座將概述這些創新的生成式AI方法背後的科學原理,以及它們在視覺故事敘述中扮演的角色。講師將帶領學員探索時下流行的方法,如:生成對抗網路(GANs, generative adversarial networks)、擴散模型和ControlNet,分析它們的基本方法,並探討它們在視覺設計、角色動畫等領域的應用。同時,課程中也會討論這些工具面臨的挑戰和限制。經由這場講座,學員們將更深入了解生成式AI的運作方式,以及它們如何幫助創作者提升視覺故事敘述的生產力。
This presentation will provide an overview of the science behind these innovative Generative AI methods and also their roles in visual storytelling. We will explore recent popular methods such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), diffusion models, and ControlNet, examining their underlying methodologies and looking into their usages in visual design, character animation, and more. We will also discuss the challenges and limitations of these tools. By the end of this presentation, participants will have a better understanding of how Generative AIs work and how they can help us to increase the productivity of visual storytelling.
•生成式 AI 方法的科學原理
•生成式 AI 在視覺設計和動畫中的應用
•生成式 AI 工具的挑戰和限制

馬萬鈞博士,現任Meta Platforms Inc.研究員。馬博士於2008年畢業於國立台灣大學資訊工程研究所。曾經歷美國南加州大學創意科技中心博士後研究員、紐西蘭威塔數位、瑞士蘇黎世理工大學訪問學者、動視暴雪、以及谷歌AR/VR部門,經歷橫跨學術、電影與遊戲娛樂業。在威塔數位以及動視暴雪期間主要負責數位演員動作捕捉相關技術的開發。曾經參與的計畫包括《哈比人三部曲》、《鋼鐵人3》、《玩命關頭7》、以及《決戰猩球三部曲》。馬博士專長是臉部動畫、動作捕捉、三維掃描、數位幾何處理、以及機械學習等。2019年馬博士獲得美國奧斯卡金像獎演藝學會科技成就獎。
Wan-Chun Alex Ma is a staff research scientist in the Codec Avatar team at Meta Platforms Inc. He has previously worked with various companies such as ByteDance, Google, Activision Blizzard, ETH Zurich, Weta Digital, and USC Institute for Creative Technologies. At Weta Digital and Activision Blizzard, he played key roles in facial performance capture, contributing to the Hobbit trilogy, Iron Man 3, Planet of the Apes series, Furious 7, BFG, and Call of Duty series. During his time at Google, he led research for ML lighting estimation to promote realism in augmented reality rendering. His research focuses on facial animation, performance capture, photogrammetry, image-based modeling, geometry processing, and machine learning. In 2019, Ma received an Academy Award for Technical Achievement for his work on the Polarized Spherical Gradient Illumination facial appearance capture system, which has been extensively used in creating photoreal digital actors to this date. He earned his Ph.D. from National Taiwan University in 2008.

•第⼀名 $1,000
•第⼆名 $500
•第三名 $300

10月講座的影片也已上線,連結如下: https://youtu.be/newl7tx36z8?feature=shared

 附  件  :  演講海報 ▼ 
 相關連結  : https://technologyandlife.kktix.cc/events/11-15-24
 公告起始 :2024/11/7  公告迄止 :2024/11/15
 活動起始 :2024/11/7  活動迄止 :2024/11/15
 主辦單位 :通識教育中心  協辦單位 