公告單位  國際數位媒體科技學士學位學程  公告日期  2024/11/4
 主  旨  前端多媒體網站程式設計工作坊Front-end Multimedia Web Programming Workshop
 內  容 
旨在帶領學員掌握現代網頁開發的基礎與進階技術。This front-end web development course designed to equip participants with the fundamentals and advanced skills of modern web development.
11/30-12/01、12/14-12/15 各早上9:00-12:00以及下午1:00-5:00共28小時 (中英雙語教學)
the first day, the basic structure of HTML and CSS, and learn how to insert multimedia elements such as images and videos.
the second day, Bootstrap framework and students will learn how to create responsive websites quickly.
the third day, focus on front-end animation and learn how to apply CSS and JavaScript to create cool dynamic effects.
the fourth day, complete an interactive website project using Bootstrap and front-end animation techniques.
Please enroll in the school system. Provide first 10 applicants with lunch

 附  件  :  poster ▼ 
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2024/11/4  公告迄止 :2024/11/25
 活動起始 :2024/11/30  活動迄止 :2024/12/15
 主辦單位 :國際數位媒體科技學士學位學程  協辦單位 
 活動地點 :人文社會學院2H105電腦教室