公告單位  學務處生活輔導組  公告日期  2024/4/30
 主  旨  發現校外人士進入校園進行不當招募,請儘速向生輔組反應
 內  容 

Please be cautious of outsiders entering the campus for inappropriate recruitment.

In recent days, the media has reported instances of outsiders entering the campus for improper recruitment. We urge all faculty and staff to remain vigilant. If you notice any suspicious individuals entering the campus, please promptly report to the Student Affairs Office to facilitate appropriate action and ensure campus safety.

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2024/4/30  公告迄止 :2024/5/30
 主辦單位   協辦單位 