公告單位  學務處生活輔導組  公告日期  2024/4/25
 主  旨  【宿舍事務】112-2學期期末宿舍寢室代表大會/112-2 End of semester room representative meeting.
 內  容 
【Dormitory affairs】112-2 End of semester room representative meeting.

1. 期未寢室代表大會:
End of the semester representative meeting:
ヾ 校本校區:113/5/1晚上8點半B106。
Main campus: Meeting will be held on 2024/5/1 20:30, in B106.
ゝ 人社校區:113/5/8晚上8點半(2H120演藝廳)。
Jieren campus:Meeting will be held on 2024/5/8 20:30, in 2H210 lecture hall.
2. 會議間將宣達宿舍重要行事曆等宿舍相關事務,請各寢室之寢室長把握權益踴躍與會。
We will announce important dormitory matter during this meeting, please try your best to attend this meeting.
3. 活動備有餐點與茶水,請攜帶環保餐具。
We will prepare snack and drinks, please bring your own utensil.
4. 請與會同學攜帶學生證刷卡點名。
Students attending the meeting please bring your student ID card to roll call.
5. 如有相關疑問,請至生輔組洽詢,電話038565301轉1228。
For further information, please contact Office of Student Affairs, 038565301#1228.

                      學生事務處生輔組 敬啟

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2024/4/25  公告迄止 :2024/5/25
 主辦單位 :Life Guidance Section  協辦單位 