公告單位  研究發展處產學新創組  公告日期  2024/4/22
 主  旨  The deadline for submissions for 'The 3rd Global Talent Entrepreneurship Program' is April 30,2024
 內  容 
To foster innovative entrepreneurial skills among foreign students in Taiwan and provide a high-quality entrepreneurial training environment, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology is continuing its initiative this year with 'The 3rd Global Talent Entrepreneurship Program'. This program is open to both foreign students from all universities and colleges nationwide, as well as domestic students. Winning teams will have the opportunity to receive entrepreneurship grants sponsored by companies, with a total prize pool exceeding NT$100,000. We welcome students who are interested in entrepreneurship, already engaged in entrepreneurship, or preparing to embark on entrepreneurial ventures to seize this opportunity.

【 Event information 】
(一)Application deadline: April 30th。
(二)Regulation and introduction:https://pse.is/5sgtnf。
(三)Contact us:Melia Tsai (meliatsai@mail.ntust.edu.tw)。

 附  件  :  公文 ▼  |  DM ▼ 
 相關連結  : https://pse.is/5sgtnf
 公告起始 :2024/4/22  公告迄止 :2024/4/30
 主辦單位 :National Taiwan University of Science and Technology  協辦單位 