內 容
One Two Three Four, Solve the Riddles Snap and Go Five Six Seven Eight, Come Win Prizes in a Row.
Join us for Campus Treasure Hunt where you can win prizes and snacks! Enjoy an afternoon of fun riddle-solving and discover special spots around Main Campus.
為推動本校學生以遊戲方式學習英文,特舉辦尋寶奇緣活動(Campus Treasure Hunt)。不論你是會猜謎還是對大地遊戲有興趣的同學,只要有一支手機、熟悉校本周圍環境,人人都可以解鎖英文謎題!成為英文解謎達人!一起來探索校園吧!
二、活動時間:5/3 (五) 下午 13:30-16:00
四、活動地點:福田樓H210 (集合點)、校本部各處
六、報名截止:4/30 (二) 下午17:30
第一名:獎金新台幣 5,000元 1組
第二名:獎金新台幣 4,000元 1組
第三名:獎金新台幣 3,000元 1組
第四名:奬金新台幣 2,000元 2組
第五名:獎金新台幣 1,000元 4組
(註:依據經費支要點_團體競賽:至少 13 隊(組)參加,總獎勵金額以新台幣 2 萬元為限。參賽人數(隊/組)未達標準時,總獎勵金依參賽人數(隊/組)比例調降,惟參賽人數(隊/組)未達標準二分之一時,不支給獎勵金。)
1. Sign up: Click on the links below for sign up form. Login with TCU Gmail and sign up as a group.
2. Date and time: Friday, May 3rd, from 13:30-16:00
3. Check-in time: 13:30-13:45. Please bring your student ID.
4. Venue: Futien Building H210 (starting point) and all over Main Campus
5. Participants: TCU undergraduates. You must sign up in a group of four with at least one Taiwanese student (or more) per group.
6. Sign-up deadline: Tuesday April 30th at 17:30
7. Prizes: Totaling 20,000NTD for the top five groups.*
First place: 5,000 NTD
Second place: 4,000 NTD
Third place: 3,000 NTD
Fourth place: 2,000 NTD(2 groups)
Fifth place: 1,000 NTD(4 groups)
*If fewer than 13 groups participate in the event, the total prize would
be decreased to 10,000NTD.
8. All groups have chances to win snacks and other prizes in the game!
Student contact: Jill Wang
Email: 112313113@gms.tcu.edu.tw
Funding comes from Ministry of Education Higher Education Bilingual
Policy-Promoting Project