公告單位  諮商中心  公告日期  2024/3/27
 主  旨  Counseling Center Activity Announcement😊
 內  容 
2024-2st Semester Counseling Week Series - 1st activity
Theme event is called 'Three Elements of your ideal Love relationship'.

First Phase of this activity:

In your opinion, what are the essential elements in a relationship?

He or She has charming smiling eyes, is unique, and has a delightful appearance;

He or She has a gentle and sympathetic personality;

It is like 1+1 equal 2, and it feels like a match;

Getting along together in a relationship, feeling safe, having someone to talk to, or giving space for each other.
Everyone has different ideas and ways of being in a relationship , we all have to communicate and have mutual respect.

★We sincerely invite you to share with us the ideal soulmate in your heart. If you are willing to share with us, we also would like you to contemplate the conditions or characteristics that you think are essential to you.
Why are they important to you?
Maybe it may reflect some of your inner personal needs.
Let's get deep down to know ourselves better😊

Event Details:
●Enter the event link (https://forms.gle/oGPsUqstLGhoSsYm6)
●The topic of the submission is 'Please share your three ideal elements or conditions of love and give us a brief description of each element.

Activity Date & Rules:
●Event date: Mar 25,2024 to May 31, 2024
●Each person is limited to submit once.If the submission is successfully submitted, you can earn one point and a chance of raffle.
●Submitters will be notified by E-mail to come to the counseling center to collect points, please check the school mailbox.
●The submission will be presented anonymously on social media or physical bulletin boards.

We sincerely invite you to participate in our online submission. It is also good to invite your friends to submit together. Through this online submission we can get to know our inner needs and feelings together❤️

On behalf of the Counseling Center

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  : https://forms.gle/oGPsUqstLGhoSsYm6
 公告起始 :2024/3/27  公告迄止 :2024/4/30
 活動起始 :2024/3/25  活動迄止 :2024/5/31
 主辦單位   協辦單位 