公告單位  人文處慈懿活動組  公告日期  2024/2/26
 主  旨  「慈懿心父母情」繪圖比賽 Painting CompetitionRelated to Tzu-Cheng Dads and Yi-Te Moms
 內  容 
Painting CompetitionRelated to Tzu-Cheng Dads and Yi-Te Moms

Many of us are always looking for beautiful paintings. Do you consider giving painting a try and share your work with others?
We would like to give you an opportunity to paint the interactions between you and with your Tzu-Cheng dads or Yi-Te moms.

The University’s Office of Humanistic Culture
Who may participate?
The University’s faculty members, staff, students, and alumni.
Deadline for submitting your painting: April 3, 2024
四、主題: 內容不限定,無論靜物、人物或戶外寫生均可
You may choose any subject or method of presentation relevant to your Tzu-Cheng dads or Yi-Te moms.
Things to note about your work:
a.Size: 54 cm x 38 cm
b.Description of your work: Follow our template, portray you work with around 100 typed words, and put the description on the back of your painting.
(2)Each contestant may only enter one painting.
(3)We won’t accept any work that copies, impersonates, imitates, or involves another’s painting.
Review process:
We will invite three persons for the primary review.
(一)獎金:第一名3000元 第二名2500元 第三名2000元,佳作1000元(名額不限)
(1)First place: NT$3,000; Second place: NT$2,500; Third place: NT$2,000; Merit Award: NT$1,000 (We may bestow Merit Awards on many participants.)
(2)Works that don’t meet the reviewers’ standard may not receive any of the awards mentioned above.
Announcement of winners:
On April 15, 2024, we will announce winners on the University’s website and notify each by e-mail
Kindly note these reminders before submitting your work:
Please paste the required form on the upper right corner on the back of your work. Ensure the paste work is completed before sending it to the Office of Humanistic Culture.
(1)Current students: Submit your work to our office in person.
(1)Alumni: Mail your work to us.
(2)Before mailing your work, ensure that you keep it flat, do not fold it, and keep your mailed items as simple as possible.
(3)Try not to use too much glue when pasting. Otherwise, you might have to wait longer until it dries.
(4)You may choose to use the post office’s convenience box or buy a painting tube to send your work to us.
Other matters:
(1) We will take responsibility for custody of your work. In case an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond our control occurs, we won’t be responsible for any damage to your work.
(2) We will have copyrights regarding publication and exhibition of your work, and will not provide payment for placing your work in a publication.
If you have any questions, you may contact:(03)856-5301 ext. 1542

 附  件  :  活動宣傳海報 ▼  |  圖說表格 ▼ 
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2024/2/26  公告迄止 :2024/4/3
 活動起始 :2024/2/26  活動迄止 :2024/4/3
 主辦單位 :人文處慈懿活動組  協辦單位 