公告單位  人文處慈懿活動組  公告日期  2024/2/26
 主  旨  「慈懿心父母情」徵文比賽(Writing Competition)
 內  容 
「慈懿心父母情」徵文比賽(Writing Competition)
Writing Competition Related to Tzu-Cheng Dads and Yi-Te Moms

在您心中有沒有藏著一份與慈懿爸媽相處溫馨有趣的感動,偶爾想到就會讓您會心一笑的畫面呢? 我們在找一位說故事的人,述說您與慈懿爸媽之間點滴回憶,透過文字表達您對慈懿爸媽的感謝及懷念。
Did you have a warm and exciting interaction with your Tzu-Cheng dads or Yi-Te moms? Whenever thinking of the incident, you always have a big smile.
We are looking for storytellers willing to share their unforgettable memories with the Tzu-Cheng dads and Yi-Te moms and express their gratitude.

Sponsor: The University’s Office of Humanistic Culture

1.自訂文章標題 2.字數600至1000字 3.writing style:不限
4.以Word / A4規格 / 直式橫書 / 14號字體 / 標楷體字型繕打
writing style:
(1)You may pick the topic.
(2)Your work will comprise 600 to 1,000 words.
(3)You decide on the writing style.
(4)Use Microsoft Word, and choose Times New Roman, font size 14, bold.

主題切合 (40%)、文字表現 (30%)、內容深度 (30%)
Review criteria:Fitting in with the topic (40%), writing skills (30%), and the depth and breadth of content (30%)

四 參加對象:全校教職員生(含歷屆畢業校友)均可參加
Who may participate?
The University’s faculty members, staff, students, and alumni

(一)獎金:第一名3000元 第二名2500元 第三名2000元,佳作1000元(名額不限)
(1)First place: NT$3,000; second place: Nt$2,000; third place: NT$2,000; Merit Award: NT$1,000 (We may bestow Merit Awards on many participants.)
(2)Works that don’t meet the reviewers’ standard may not receive any of the above awards.
(3)We will have copyrights regarding the publication and exhibition of your work.

六、報名日期:即日起至113年4月3日繳交參賽作品至人文處 田淑琴小姐 分機#1542/稿件請寄至電子信箱:ten0520@gms.tcu.edu.tw
How to submit your work?
(1)Deadline: April 3, 2024
(2)You may submit it in person to the staff of the Office of Humanistic Culture: (03)856-5301, ext. 1542
(3)Or send it by email: ten0520@gms.tcu.edu.tw

(四)所有參賽作品皆不退稿 (包括規格不符),請參賽者自留底稿

7.Things to note about your work:
(1)Participants can never commit plagiarism or impersonation.
(2)Your work has not been published in or off-campus, in the media, or on the Internet. Moreover, you didn’t participate in any other writing competitions with this work.
(3)If any violation mentioned above occurred, we will decline the right to participate in the competition and ask the winner to return the award.
(4)We won’t return the work. While sending us your work, be sure to keep a piece of your work for yourself.
(5)We will have copyrights regarding the publication and exhibition of your work and will not provide payment for placing your work in a publication.

We will form a review team and invite faculty members to review.

Announcement of the winners:
On April 15, 2024, we will announce it on the University website and inform each winner by email.

Other matters:
(1)You must use Microsoft Word for your work.
(2)You must provide your information, including your name, department/institute/program, the year of study, student ID number, phone number, and email address.
(3)If you have any questions, please by phone (03)856-5301, ext. 1542

 附  件  :  活動宣傳海報 ▼ 
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2024/2/26  公告迄止 :2024/4/3
 活動起始 :2024/2/26  活動迄止 :2024/4/3
 主辦單位   協辦單位 :人文處慈懿活動組