公告單位  學務處衛生保健組  公告日期  2024/1/3
 主  旨  Hualien Flu Vaccine and COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccination Station_ 2024/01/07
 內  容 
The government now provides 'free' and 'high-end' 'flu' vaccinations in Hualien. For people aged 19-49 who have not received government-subsidized vaccinations at public expense, high-end flu vaccinations are provided free of charge.

  ˙2024/01/07(Sun.) PM14:00-18:00
  ˙Far East Department Store 1F
  ˙Please bring your health insurance card for vaccination

For related information, please link to the Hualien County Health Bureau website

 附  件  :  poster ▼ 
 相關連結  : https://www.hlshb.gov.tw/
 公告起始 :2024/1/3  公告迄止 :2024/1/7
 主辦單位 :花蓮縣衛生局  協辦單位 