內 容
一、活動名稱:111學年度「慈懿心父母情」徵文比賽 (Writing Competition)
即日起至112/04/07(五)止,將投稿作品繳交電子檔至人文處 譚芷宜。
4.佳 作:獎金新台幣1,000元,名額不限。
六、備註:如有任何問題,請洽人文處 譚芷宜 分機1549;
人文處 敬邀
Did you have a warm and exciting interaction with your Tzu-Cheng dads or Yi-Te moms? Whenever thinking of the incident, you always have a big smile.
We are looking for storytellers willing to share their unforgettable memories with the Tzu-Cheng dads and Yi-Te moms and express their gratitude.
1. Writing Competition Related to Tzu-Cheng Dads and Yi-Te Moms
2. Deadline: April 07, 2023
3. Sponsor: The University’s Office of Humanistic Culture
4. Who may participate?
The University’s faculty members, staff, students, and alumni.
5. Awards:
(1) 1st Place:NT$ 3,000,and certificate
2nd Place:NT$ 2,500,and certificate
3rd Place:NT$ 2,000,and certificate
Excellent Works:NT$ 1,000,and certificate
(We may bestow Merit Awards on many participants.)
(2) Works that don’t meet the reviewers’ standard may not receive any of the above awards.
(3) We will have copyrights regarding the publication and exhibition of your work.
6. Other matters:
(1)You must use Microsoft Word for your work.
(2)You must provide your information, including your name, department/institute/program, the year of study, student ID number, phone number, and email address.
(3) Kindly name your document and e-mail topic as「Department_Name_Scrpit topic」
(4) If you have any questions, please by phone (03)856-5301, ext. 1549
7. Announcement of the winners:
On April 13, 2023, we will announce it on the University website and inform each winner by email.