內 容
時間:111年 12月15日(星期四)18:30-20:00
分享者: 蔡玉玲師姊 (111級醫學系懿德媽媽)/亞力山大音樂學院創辦人
(#1549, wisekind@gms.tcu.edu.tw)
活動報名: 請上校務行政系統活動報名專區報名
人文處慈懿活動組 謹啟
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Tzu Yi Café Talk
A Dancer’s Story
To teach her children, she founded a kindergarten. After giving birth to her children, her figure was once out of shape, and she had to lose weight, so she chose to learn how to dance. She explored Flamenco, classical dance, folk dance, etc., which have become a vital part of Mom Yu-Ling’s life.
Dancing might be beneficial for you to share with your peers, others in the club or volunteer activities. Let us join Mom Yu-Ling’s class to learn dancing and inspire us and others to live splendid lives.
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Date/Time:Thursday, December 15, 2022, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Speaker:Mom Yu-Ling Tsai, who is associated with the 2022 Class of Medicine and the founder of Alexander Music School
Place:Tzu-Cheng and Yi-Te Room, Da-Ai Building, the Main Campus
Sponsor: The Office of Humanities
Humanistic hours:The University will provide 1.5 humanistic hours to those who attend this activity.
Registration:You may access the University Administrative System and click “Events Registration.”
If you have questions, please contact Miss Kuo by phone: at (03)856-5301 ext. 1549, or by email: at wisekind@gms.tcu.edu.tw.
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