公告單位  諮商中心  公告日期  2022/11/24
 主  旨  Coping with stress reaction and culture shock
 內  容 
For all freshmen, studying university is like embarking on a novel journey, but also embarking on a life-changing journey. For foreign students, entering university and living in a different cultural environment means that they have to face greater challenges. While looking forward to new experiences, you may feel anxious about the changes you will face. At the beginning of the school year, you may be busy participating in large and small orientation activities and meeting new friends, which makes your life full and interesting. However, the honeymoon period ends when time passes and others return to routine. At this time, in the face of changes and cultural differences, the feeling of not adapting may resurface.
This whole lecture will proceed in English. TCU counseling center has invited professional psychologists to teach you how to take care of yourself when in the face of culture shock and life pressure.

Counseling Psychotherapist, Heidi
Executive Director of Taiwan Society of Adlerian Psychology
Counseling Psychologist of National Taiwan University Counseling Center
Special foreign language Counseling Psychologist of E.R.Counseling Center
2nd December 2022 (Friday)
Commencement: 18:00m – 21:30
(The second half is Q&A session, may end in advance if appropriate)
Online Lecture
via School Affairs System

★Limited pastry boxes are available, please sign up as soon as possible!
★If you do not have a school administration system account to register, the link to the lecture is provided below:

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 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2022/11/24  公告迄止 :2022/12/2
 主辦單位   協辦單位 