公告單位  教務處課務組  公告日期  2022/4/20
 主  旨  課務組:自4/25起採實體上課、遠距教學並行之上課方式(New measures regarding teaching and learning 0420)
 內  容 




(一) 上課時師生均應保持社交距離,師生落實上課實名(點名)制。
(二) 上課時師生務必全程佩戴口罩,勤洗手並落實手部消毒,上課期間嚴禁飲食。
(三) 教室應保持通風良好,實驗、實務操作等上課使用操作設備、機具,須妥善消毒。
(四) 體育課程也請佩戴口罩,並評估運動強度,留意學生身體狀況,屬肢體接觸或團隊性運動項目課程,授課教師需加強相關防疫措施,適時調整課程內容,學生使用之運動體育設備器材需妥善清潔消毒。
(五) 未來因疫情暫停實體授課之標準,依教育部所訂之相關規定辦理。


教務處課務組 敬上 (分機 1106, 1107, 1131 or 1139)


Update on TCU's measures regarding teaching and learning (0420):

Given the current pandemic situation, the University is updating the following measures regarding teaching and learning:

From April 25, 2022,
1. Courses with enrollment of 80 students or above, the online learning mode should be taken. The final evaluation will be taken online as well; however, if necessary, in-person evaluation could be conducted when the appropriate social distancing can be kept. Course assessment methods and standards should be explained to students in advance.
2. Courses under 80 people can adopt in-person or online classes. For in-person classes, real-name registration should be strictly implemented; participants should wear masks properly all the time; eating and drinking in the classroom is forbidden.
If there is any update on epidemic-prevention measures, the relevant information will be announced in due course.

Further questions, please contact our staff by email: joyetw@mail.tcu.edu.tw, or phone: (03) 856-5301 ext. 1106, 1107, 1131 or 1139.

 附  件  :  1102學期80(含)人以上課程 ▼ 
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2022/4/20  公告迄止 :2022/5/20
 主辦單位   協辦單位 