公告單位  秘書室新聞公關組  公告日期  2022/4/1
 主  旨  防疫訊息公告-4/1起改遠距教學
 內  容 

Tzu Chi University received notification of a confirmed COVID-19 case of our faculty member. Hence, COVID-19 responsive plan was initiated. On April 1st all campuses shut down for cleaning. All staffs are required to work from home. In addition, starting from April 1st all classes will be delivered online (all courses will be conducted online) until April 10th. Any changes or updates will be made on April 11th.

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2022/4/1  公告迄止 :2022/4/10
 主辦單位   協辦單位 