內 容
一、活動時間:2022年05月08日(星期日) 06:00∼08:00
三、活動地點: 靜思堂道侶廣場
四、對 象:全校師生
五、服 裝:全套整齊夏季制服
去程:上午05:10 人社院—校本部大喜館;
回程:上午08:30 校本部大喜館前—人社院
(4)報名方式:請於05/02 (一)17:30前,
(6)如有任何問題,請洽人文處 陳健聰 分機1541;
E-mail: kusnanto@mail.tcu.edu.tw。
人文處 敬邀
On Sunday, May 8, Tzu Chi will hold the worldwide ”Buddha Day Ceremony” to celebrate Buddha Day, which is also known as Mother’s Day, and Tzu Chi Day. On this ceremony, we will also celebrate Tzu Chi’s 56th anniversary.
Let’s purify our minds and hearts on this special day, and express our deepest gratitude to Buddha, our parents and all human beings. We pray for people around the world to have virtues and abundant blessings and to live in peace and safety.
1. Date & Time:Sunday, May 8, 2022, 6 AM to 8 AM。
2. Rehearsal:Saturday, May 7, 2022,14 PM。(Please make sure to attend the rehearsal)
Participants:All Faculties and students。
Place:Jing Si Hall Companion Square。
Please dress in school uniform。
For more information, please contact Mr. Chen by email
kusnanto@mail.tcu.edu.tw or by phone (03)856-5301 #1541. |