公告單位  人文處慈懿活動組  公告日期  2022/3/14
 主  旨  歡迎報名-慈懿咖啡館系列講座 '大地魔法師Turning wasteland into green land'
 內  容 

The Gangshan Da Ai Farm used to be wasteland. Its soil was not fertile and people couldn’t grow anything on it.
Without much help, female volunteers learned to operate the backhoe and tractor, transported soil from Tainan City, and grew seedlings. After nine years continuous effort, the Farm has produced corn, taro, ohwia caudata, sacha inchi (mountain peanut), etc.
You will have the opportunity to taste their delicious tea made of sacha inchi and a sago drink made with taro. At the same time, listen to these two Yi-Te moms’ sharing about turning wasteland into green land.

時間:111年 3月24日(星期四)18:30-20:00
分享者: 沈素娥師姊、沈秀蘭師姊 (108級英美系懿德媽媽)/
活動報名: 請上校務行政系統活動報名專區報名
Date/Time: Thursday, March 24, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Lecturers: Ms. Su-O Shen and Ms. Shiu-Lan Shen, who are Yi-Te moms of the Department of English Language and Literature class of 2019 and full-time volunteers at Da Ai Farm
Place: Tzu-Cheng and Yi-Te Room, Jieren Campus
Registration Method :Please sign up from the “School Activity Registration Area” under the school administration system

(#1549, wisekind@gms.tcu.edu.tw)

人文處慈懿活動組 謹啟

 附  件  :  活動宣傳海報 ▼ 
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2022/3/14  公告迄止 :2022/3/14
 活動起始 :2022/3/14  活動迄止 :2022/3/25
 主辦單位 :人文處慈懿活動組  協辦單位 
 活動地點 :人社院慈誠懿德室