公告單位  人文處教育文化組  公告日期  2021/11/30
 主  旨  【代公告】歡迎報名2022年1月15-17日「國際青年防災研習營」 Camp on Disaster Risk Management
 內  容 



名 額|7人


2021 International Training Workshop- Youth Leadership Camp on Disaster Risk Management

Youth can play an important role in disaster preparedness and response because of passion to homeland and sense of social responsibility. The on-site operations of the workshop are designed to empower future leaders with the capacities of situation assessment, decision making, operation and deployment.
The challenging missions during the whole event, including smart disaster risk management and strategic process, will be the highlights of the training on applying information intelligence and conducting delivery of humanitarian assistance in case of emergency a scenario typhoon. For a typhoon, besides strong winds and rains, interruptions to lifeline systems, school, business and communications are the possible impacts which need feasible solutions and effective decisions for mitigating adversities.
From Day 1 to Day 3, all participants will learn basic knowledge of disaster risk management related to typhoons, and a scenario type will invite brainstorming together to meet proposed situations and challenges.

Date:15th - 17th January, 2022

Venue:Banqiao Jing Si Hall

Number of applicants|7 persons

Registration:before 3 December, 2021

Please reply whether you will participate in ITW for the new date to Ms. Kiri Chen

 附  件  :  簡介(Introduction) ▼  |  報名表(Registration form) ▼ 
 相關連結  : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wROkfv3mZe0
 公告起始 :2021/11/30  公告迄止 :2021/12/3
 主辦單位 :科技部國家災害防救科技中心、財團法人國際合作發展基金會、慈濟基金會  協辦單位 
 活動地點 :板橋靜思堂Banqiao Jing Si Hall