公告單位  人文處教育文化組  公告日期  2021/5/3
 主  旨  歡迎參與5月11-14日慈濟大學校內浴佛(採流動式自由禮佛) Join us for Buddha Bathing.
 內  容 

驚世災難 警世覺悟,大哉教育 及時懺悔,
至誠大愛 膚慰苦難,息貪不殺 齋戒護生。


█ 2021年5月11日(二)至5月13日(四),09:00-17:00
█ 2021年5月14日(五) ,09:00-13:30
(五)如有任何問題,請洽人文處 陳健聰 分機1541;E-mail: kusnanto@gms.tcu.edu.tw。
人文處 敬邀

Every year, the second Sunday of May is designated Mother’s Day. The Buddha’s Day also takes place and reminds us to learn and follow the Buddha’s teachings on enhancing compassion and wisdom in our daily lives. Moreover, we celebrate this day as Tzu Chi Day, to honor Tzu Chi members for their efforts in serving the needy around the world.

We celebrate this day with a Buddha Bathing Ceremony, on which devotees vow to cleanse their minds, carrying it out with compassion and mindfulness in their lives. Due to COVID-19 the University will set up stands on our Main Campus for faculty members, staff, and students to experience Buddha Bathing and pay their respects to the Buddha, their mothers and others.

The following are the times and location. Please join us whenever you are convenient!

Date & Time:
May 11~13 , 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM;
May 14 , 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM

Venue:The Lobby, Main Campus

�c Clean your hands, wear your mask, and keep a 1.5 meter distance from others.
�c Students need to wear the school’s short sleeve polo shirts. Short pants and slippers are disallowed.
�c Faculty members and staff need to wear their summer uniforms.

For more information, please contact Mr. Chen by email: kusnanto@gms.tcu.edu.tw or by phone: (03)856-5301 ext. 1541.

Best regards,

The Office of Humanistic Culture

 附  件  :  活動海報 ▼ 
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2021/5/3  公告迄止 :2021/5/14
 活動起始 :2021/5/11  活動迄止 :2021/5/14
 主辦單位 :人文處  協辦單位 
 活動地點 :校本部慈悲喜捨大廳