公告單位  學務處生活輔導組  公告日期  2021/1/11
 主  旨  Safety Buletin for Winter Vacation
 內  容 
As winter vacation approaches, we kindly remind you of the following safety measures.
1.Safety Precautions regarding COVID-19:
(1)Avoid crowded places and poorly ventilated spaces.
(2)Individuals undergoing isolation in any form or suffering from fever, respiratory anomalies, or showing symptoms such as diarrhoea, diminished or abnormal sense of smell and taste are to refrain from participating in any activities.
(3)Those participating in large-scale events are to wear masks throughout its duration. (This applies for both indoor and outdoor events and activities) Please keep up and comply with the latest guidelines published by the Central Epidemic Command Centre. (Website: https://www.cdc.gov.tw)

2.Safety During Events & Activities:
- Be sure to inspect and identify all exit routes at the venue. Be mindful of the locations of any escape equipment, and ensure you are familiar with its operation.
- Be vigilant and observe carefully for any changes in the weather and terrain conditions.

3.Safety Precautions for Employed Students:
a.Pay attention to the reputation of your employer. Ensure salaries and health insurances are met duly.
b.Be mindful of the ‘Seven Don’ts’:
(1)Don’t pay for work (i.e. paying for a position)
(2)Don’t purchase goods for work.
(3)Don’t apply for credentials for work. (Cards, Bank Accounts, etc.)
(4)Don’t sign agreements or contracts haphazardly.
(5)Don’t hand over your Personal Information to others.
(6)Don’t consume food from unknown sources.
(7)Don’t seek employment illegally.
4.Traffic Safety:
a.In the event of a fire, remain calm and shout loudly to signal that there is a fire to any individuals nearby. Proceed to the nearest escape route and evac point.
b.Ensure all gas-powered furnaces are used in well circulated rooms. Do not close all doors windows when operating these devices to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning from incomplete combustions.
5.Residential Safety :
a.In the event of a fire, remain calm and shout loudly to signal that there is a fire to any individuals nearby. Proceed to the nearest escape route and evac point.
b.Ensure all gas-powered furnaces are used in well circulated rooms. Do not close all doors windows when operating these devices to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning from incomplete combustions.

6.Personal Safety on Campus:
a.Should you encounter a stranger or suspicious individual within the compound, notify any personnel immediately. If that is not available, proceed towards the nearest crowded venue. In extreme cases, run towards the nearest convenience stores and shout loudly to attract the attention of others.
7.Drug Abuse Prevention:
   Maintain a normal lifestyle as best you can during the winter vacation. Don’t be tempted by your peers and outsiders to try something out of curiosity.

8.Fraud Prevention:
We kindly remind all parents and students alike to remain cautious when met with a fraudulent call of anonymous origins or encounter a potential scam. In the event of either happening, remember the Three Steps of Anti-Fraud: ‘Keep Calm’, ’Scrutinise’, ‘Report to 165 Anti-Fraud Hotline’ for assistance.

9.Crime Prevention:
We remind students to not take part in any illegal racing, theft, distributing illegal software, organised crime, or engaging in compensated dating, etc.
10.Notification and Contact Channels for Students Encountering Accidents:
Should a student find himself or herself in any accidents during the winter vacation, please contact the school’s campus safety centre 24hr service hotline at (03) 8560505 for assistance.

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2021/1/11  公告迄止 :2021/2/11
 主辦單位 :Life Guidance Division  協辦單位 