公告單位  職涯發展及就業輔導組  公告日期  2021/1/11
 主  旨  提醒學生寒假打工及求職安全!Safety Precautions for Employed Students!
 內  容 

Pay attention to the reputation of your employer. Ensure salaries and health insurances are met duly.

Be mindful of the ‘Seven Don'ts':
1) Don't pay for work (i.e. paying for a position)
2) Don't purchase goods for work.
3) Don't apply for credentials for work. (Cards, Bank Accounts, etc.)
4) Don't sign agreements or contracts haphazardly.
5) Don't hand over your Personal Information to others.
6) Don't consume food from unknown sources.
7) Don't seek employment illegally.

Keep warm!


 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  : http://www.career.tcu.edu.tw/?page_id=2982
 公告起始 :2021/1/11  公告迄止 :2021/2/21
 主辦單位   協辦單位 