公告單位  國際暨兩岸事務處綜合業務組  公告日期  2020/11/12
 主  旨  歡迎報名參加:2020 /11/27 外籍人士人身安全及校園安全座談會 Personal Safety and Camp
 內  容 
十月底發生之馬來西亞學生遇害一事, 政府單位及校方極為重視,並藉由這一次遺憾的事件,警察局準備了正確的校園安全資訊,及防身技術與校內所有同學及同仁分享。

時間11月27日 下午13:30pm-15:30
警察局外事科 國際暨兩岸事務處 敬邀

2020/11/27 (13:00-15:00) -Personal Safety and Campus Safety Address-
Late last October, there was an incident which involved the unfortunate passing of a Malaysian. The local Government and school authorities is now taking a serious stance in this issue, and will be addressing important issues in light of this unfortunate event; local police has prepared relevant on-campus safety steps and also practical self-defense knowledge to be presented to everyone.

Time: 27th of November (27/11) 13:30p.m.-15:00p.m.
Venue: B202 Lecture Hall
The talk will be presented bilingually in both English and Chinese, international students are welcome to join.

Police Station External Affairs Office, Office of International Affairs T.C.U. Welcomes you !

 附  件  :  婦幼人身安全宣導 ▼  |  內政部警署宣導資料 ▼  |  Personal Safety Propaganda ▼  |  Campus Safety propaganda ▼  |  海報 ▼ 
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2020/11/12  公告迄止 :2020/11/27
 活動起始 :2020/11/27  活動迄止 :2020/11/27
 主辦單位 :警察局外事科  協辦單位 
 活動地點 :校本部B202階梯教室