公告單位  校安中心  公告日期  2020/10/30
 主  旨  提醒同學於校內、外須特別留意自身安全,遇緊急狀況立即通報並尋求協助。
 內  容 
A couple days ago, there was an abduction happened in the other schools. Abduction, to prevent this from happening again, we sincerely remind every students of TCU, to take full precaution inside out of school campus. Every student ought to elevate one’s safety and harm prevention awareness, in any case of emergency please seek for immediate assistance.

The relevant precautions to be noticed and aware are as follows:

1.Students are not advice to arrive at campus way too early, stay up late after school hours. Accompany are highly recommended while travelling around. Dim alleys, uninhabited places and potentially danger places are strictly a no-no option to travel.

2.Students shall follow the school operation period, after schools try not to stay in class or go to any unpopulated areas of the campus alone.

3.Any encounter with stranger or suspicion, immediate report to department staffs’ professors, administrators, campus security center (student’s affair department) or guard house (guard at the school gate).

4.With stranger approaches for directions, we could give direction or assists as anyhow we are willing, but never lead a stranger to that places in any circumstances. Never trust a stranger sincere request, give or take money or leaving the school campus with these suspicion.

5.When in a situation of being follow by strangers off-campus, seek populated places such as the convenient store, and shouted when is necessary to get attention.

The safety and security of our campus is dependent on everyone maintaining it together. If you find any abnormalities or emergencies, there are phones you can call to report to.
Main Campus Security Center: 03-8560505
Guardhouse: 1306, 0921146080 (Main Campus)
1356, 092152147 (Jieren Campus)

校園安全暨緊急應變中心 敬啟
Respectfully, from the Main Campus Security Center

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2020/10/30  公告迄止 :2020/11/30
 主辦單位   協辦單位 