公告單位  國際暨兩岸事務處綜合業務組  公告日期  2020/10/14
 主  旨  歡迎報名參加:「非」你莫「蘇」_參與戰區關懷,有你有他「還有我」活動
 內  容 
2011年,南蘇丹脫離蘇丹獨立,但頻繁的戰事卻未結束。南蘇丹於2013年再次陷入內戰,而蘇丹和南蘇丹邊境上的「努巴山脈」(Nuba Mountains),長期於內於外都是衝突的第一線,至今還是國際的孤島。
根據2019年聯合國(UNHCR)統計,南蘇丹是全球第三大難?來源國,烏干達 則是第一大難?收容國。
我們能夠為戰區及弱勢婦女和孤兒做些什麼?是提供醫療環境、教育還是工作 機會?我們該如何與遠在非洲的不同族群產生連結,讓自己和他人的生命都更完整?
在這場講座裡,「還有我」的張允欣,將與我們分享南蘇丹與烏干達的社會議 題,醫療與教育及婦女培力工作現況,以及她自己的成長。
Content: In 2011, South Sudan became independent from Sudan, but the frequent wars did not end. South Sudan
In 2013, it was plunged into civil war again, and the Nuba Mountains on the border between Sudan and South Sudan have long been the front lines of conflict both internally and externally, and it is still an international island today.
According to the statistics of the United Nations (UNHCR) in 2019, South Sudan is the third source country of the worlds worst disaster, while Uganda is the first recipient country.
What can we do for war zones and disadvantaged women and orphans? Is it to provide a medical environment, education, or job opportunities? How can we connect with different ethnic groups in Africa and make our lives and the lives of others more complete?
In this lecture, Zhang Yunxin of There is Me will share with us the social conference topics in South Sudan and Uganda, the current situation of medical and education and womens empowerment work, and her own growth.

英國倫敦大學亞非學院語言博士, 社團法人台北市「還有我戰區關懷協會」執行長
MIA Made in Africa 社會企業創辦人 世台聯合基金會東非中心秘書長
Ph.D. in Languages, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, United Kingdom, and Chief Executive Officer of Taipei Citys And My War Zone Care Association
Founder of MIA Made in Africa Social Enterprise Secretary General of East Africa Center of World-Taiwan Joint Foundation

You are invited to participate!

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2020/10/14  公告迄止 :2020/10/23
 活動起始 :2020/10/23  活動迄止 :2020/10/23
 主辦單位 :國際暨兩岸事務處  協辦單位 
 活動地點 :校本部B105