公告單位  學務處生活輔導組  公告日期  2020/9/15
 主  旨  [Dormitory affairs] 1091 Semester Dormitory Room Merging Process
 內  容 
[Dormitory affairs] 1091 Semester Dormitory Room Merging Process

一、 Date:14-Sep-2020 to 27-Sep-2020.
二、 Self Integration Deadline:19-Sep-2020
三、 Life Guidance Section Roommate Matchmaking:20- Sep -2020
1. If your room do not fulfill the requirement of 4 person, including freshmen students, your room will be included in this merging process.
2. Please ask the dormitory administrator for the information about the list of rooms which contains less than 4 person and organize yourself with the other students to fill up the 4 beds within the rooms. Please inform the dormitory administrator about the final 4 for your room.
3. The Life Guidance Section will auto-merge the rooms without 4 person if new room combination is not submitted before self-integration date. For those who do not cooperate with the dormitory administrator, students will lose their rights to stay in the dormitory.
For more information, please head to Life Guidance Section or call 038565301#1228.

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2020/9/15  公告迄止 :2020/9/27
 主辦單位   協辦單位 