公告單位  國際暨兩岸事務處教育組  公告日期  2020/9/14
 主  旨  國際學生及僑生獎助學金申請International Student Scholarship &Financial As
 內  容 
截止日期為108年9月29日(星期二下午17:30前) 敬請注意下列事項並把握申請時間,如逾期不予受理。
請注意! 所有自傳請依照{自述撰寫指南}填寫
1. 國際學生助學金申請表(附件)
2. 中文或英文清寒相關文件(若有家庭報稅證明,請一併附上。)
3. 上一學年成績單(需列排名)
4. 家庭收支表(附件)
5. 學生個人在台個人收支表(附件)
【僑生獎學金(僅限僑生) 】:https://forms.gle/ETzGKDfh5w9WjLfh8
1. 清寒僑生助學金申請表與評分表
2. 清寒相關證明(若有家庭報稅證明,請一併附上。)
3. 前一學年成績單(大一新生不需繳交)
4. 家庭收支表(附件)
5. 學生個人在台個人收支表(附件)

International Students & Overseas Compatriot Scholarship is now opened for registration, please submit the application before the deadline. Every application after the deadline will be not accepted.
For any enquiry, you are welcome to visit OIA.
Deadline:2020 Sep. 29th (before 17:30 pm)
Please pay an attention! Your autobiography must be in accordance with “Autobiographical Writing-Guidelines”
After you fill-in the application form, please come to OIA to submit the application and signature is REQUIRED. Your application is finished once you put your signature.
【International Student Scholarship】
1. International Student Scholarship Application Form:https://forms.gle/ETzGKDfh5w9WjLfh8
2. Transcript- 1081 and 1082 semester(with ranking)
【International Student Stipend (for sophomore year, International Students and Overseas Chinese Students are eligible to apply, Freshmen are NOT available)】:https://forms.gle/CQfS8So8AgR6N8be7
1. Application Form for Stipend (below attachment)
2. Low Income Certificate in Chinese or English (if you have family tax return, please attach it with low income certificate as well)
3. Last year’s transcript (must include ranking)
4. Family Monthly Income & Expenses Table (below attachment)
5. Student’s personal monthly income & Expenses Table in Taiwan (below attachment)
【Overseas Chinese Student Scholarship (only limited for Overseas Chinese Student)】:https://forms.gle/ETzGKDfh5w9WjLfh8
1. Application Form for Scholarship
2. Last year’s transcript (must include ranking)
3. For freshmen, please attach senior high school’stranscript and UEC
【MOE’s Stipend for Low Income Student (only limited for Overseas Chinese Student)】:https://forms.gle/QL4UVZ1ewNVkq6ZW6
1. Application for Low Income Overseas Chinese Student and Evaluation Form
2. Low Income Certificate (if you have family tax return, please attach it with low income certificate as well)
3. Last year’s transcript (freshmen is not included in this regulation)
4. Family Monthly Income & Expenses Table (below attachment)
5. Student’s personal monthly income & Expenses Table in Taiwan (below attachment)
Scholarship terms & condition :http://www.oia.tcu.edu.tw/?page_id=2180

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2020/9/14  公告迄止 :2020/9/29
 主辦單位 :國際處  協辦單位 