公告單位  人文處教育文化組  公告日期  2020/9/14
 主  旨  Provide Additional Coupons,Wishes That We Can Eat Vegetarian
 內  容 
TCU Will Provide Additional Coupons, and Wishes That We Can Eat Vegetarian Meals for 100,000 Times!

★Why do we provide additional “Enjoy Vegetarian Food” coupons?
More than 920,000 people have lost their lives, due to COVID-19. If we didn’t eat animals, the new coronavirus pandemic would not have started.
Tzu Chi University founder, Dharma Master Cheng Yen, has reminded us to be vigilant and sincerely pious, switch to a vegetarian diet and work together to mitigate this epidemic.

★What is the “Enjoy Vegetarian Food” coupon?
You can get an NT$30 discount when dining in any of the restaurants listed below and presenting your “Enjoy Vegetarian Food” coupon.

★More about the coupons:
1.Who is eligible?
Tzu Chi school’s faculty members, staff and students;
Staff of Tzu Chi affiliates;
Tzu Chi volunteers;
Anyone who is interested to give vegetarian food a try.

2.Who donated the coupons?
The staff of Tzu Chi affiliates;
TCU faculty members, staff and students;
Those who would like to invite people to give vegetarian food a try.

3.Pick up period:
From 10:00 a.m. on September 14,while stock last.

4.Pick up locations:
Main Campus: The Office of Humanistic Culture;
Jieren Campus: Dean’s office, the College of Social Sciences and Humanities;
Additional ones (see the list below)

5. We would like to let you know why the University provides these coupons, and advise you how to use them. Consequently, we would like to ask you to pick yours up in person. Your peers also need to pick up their coupons in person.

6.We will ask you to do the following:

Those who have switched to a vegetarian diet can pick up three coupons in a week, and pick up three more every other week after that.
Those who haven’t made the switch to a vegetarian diet, yet have decided to give vegetarian food a try for a week, can receive 7 coupons in a week, and 7 more every other week after that.
Those who haven’t made the switch to vegetarian diet, yet have decided to give vegetarian food a try for more than a week, can receive 10 coupons in a week, and 10 more every other week after that.
You are welcome to invite your peers to enjoy vegetarian food and pray for the mitigation of COVID-19.

7.You may use only one coupon per meal.

8.The amount of each coupon is NT$30. If your meal costs more than NT$30, you will need to pay the additional amount.

9.You can only use the coupons at participating restaurants.

10.When dining at a participating restaurant, you will need to give them your coupon to reduce your meal’s cost.

11. Please use your coupons on or before December 31, 2020.

★You may access participating restaurants’ information at https://reurl.cc/mnd0jG or https://reurl.cc/yZy6j6.

★Currently, the University is working with 66 restaurants and we will update their information at https://reurl.cc/KkkrEg.

★Additional pick up locations:
The Office of Humanistic Culture, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital;
The Office of Humanistic Culture, Tzu Chi High School;
The Office of Humanistic Culture, Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology;
Department of Religious and Volunteers Affairs, Tzu Chi Foundation (at Jing Si Abode).
The security desk at Jing Si Hall.

If have any questions, please contact Kusnanto, by phone (03)856-5301 ext. 1541, or by email: kusnanto@gms.tcu.edu.tw

Thank you!

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  : https://reurl.cc/zzrz0p
 公告起始 :2020/9/14  公告迄止 :2020/9/30
 活動起始 :2020/9/14  活動迄止 :2020/9/30
 主辦單位 :人文處  協辦單位 