公告單位  學務處衛生保健組  公告日期  2020/1/27
 主  旨  慈濟大學小叮嚀-防範新型冠狀病毒 / You Need to Keep in Mind for 2019-nCoV
 內  容 
慈濟大學小叮嚀-防範新型冠狀病毒 / You Need to Keep in Mind for 2019-nCoV from TCU: Protecting yourself is a contribution to epidemic prevention







1. 個人防護措施 : 肥皂勤洗手、咳嗽配戴口罩、減少觸摸眼鼻口。
2. 避免到人多擁擠的公共場所。
3. 若有發燒、咳嗽及呼吸急促等症狀者,戴口罩就醫,生病在家休息,不要到公共場所,妥善處理口鼻分泌物。
4. 入境台灣時,如出現發燒、咳嗽等不適症狀,應主動通報機場及港口檢疫人員。
5. 入境台灣後,14天內如有上述疑似症狀,可撥打免付費防疫專線1922(或0800-001922)依指示戴口罩儘速就醫,並請務必告知醫師旅遊史、職業別、接觸史及是否群聚(TOCC),




You Need to Keep in Mind for 2019-nCoV from TCU: Protecting yourself is a contribution to epidemic prevention

Dear Faculties, Staffs, and Students,

Happy Lunar New Year!

The time is still in the period of winter break, but you must read the news about the pneumonia outbreak in the world. You must carefully read he following notes
It is important to pay attention for reading the following notes to avoid breaking the laws of Taiwan and to protect yourself and everyone around you.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has renamed Wuhan Pneumonia as 2019 New Coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
Anyone who violates the epidemic prevention regulations will be punished.

You Need to Keep in Mind
1. Personal protective measures: Wash hands frequently with soap. Wear a mask for coughing. Reduce the need to touch eyes, nose and mouth.
2. Avoid crowded public places.
3. If you have fever, cough, or shortness of breath, wear a mask to seek medical treatment, take a rest at home when you are sick, do not go to public places, and properly handle the discharge from nose and mouth.
4. If you have fever or flu-like symptoms when returning to Taiwan, you should take the initiative to inform quarantine officers at the airport immediately.
5. If you have suspected symptoms within 14 days after returning from China, you should wear a mask to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and inform the doctor of your travel history, occupation, contact history, and whether they are clustered (TOCC).
6. During the winter vacation/winter break, if there are teachers and students traveling to China, please return to Taiwan for autonomous health management for 14 days and must notify your academic department and Office of Student Affairs and Health Care Section. (Campus Security Report Center in TCU: 03-8560505).

Best wishes,

Tzu Chi University


 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  : https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Category/NewsPage/EmXemht4IT-IRAPrAnyG9A
 公告起始 :2020/1/27  公告迄止 :2020/2/29
 主辦單位 :學務處衛生保健組  協辦單位 