公告單位  學務處課外活動及場地器材組  公告日期  2024/3/19
 主  旨  國際文化餐飲節~歡迎報名參加 International Food and Culture Festival
 內  容 
地點:校本 中庭



Dear teachers and students,

We will be hosting an International Food and Culture Festival on March 25th from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM! We hope you can join us for this international feast and take the opportunity to enhance cross-cultural exchanges with participants from various countries.

During this event, you will have the chance to taste cuisine from six different countries, as we present a diverse dishes. In addition to the food, we have arranged various cultural introduction activities, allowing you to gain insight into the cultural characteristics and traditions of different countries. This will be an excellent opportunity to promote intercultural communication, and we believe you will have an unforgettable evening here.

Date: March 25th (Friday)
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Location: Main Campus Courtyard

We sincerely invite you to participate in this International Food and Culture Festival and enjoy the activities with us. We look forward to seeing you on this special day!

Event registration link: https://forms.gle/LPoQH8iSGFLViANYA

-22nd TCUSA-

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  : https://forms.gle/LPoQH8iSGFLViANYA
 公告起始 :2024/3/19  公告迄止 :2024/4/19
 活動起始 :2024/3/25  活動迄止 :2024/3/25
 主辦單位   協辦單位 