公告單位  學務處生活輔導組  公告日期  2024/3/5
 主  旨  落實校園人文請於校內及餐廳用餐請穿著校服勿穿拖鞋
 內  容 


  (休閒服短袖、深藍色運動褲、深藍色外套) ,請穿合宜鞋子,進入教學行政區勿穿拖
 2.女同學生請穿著裙裝制服(白色長袖襯衫、淺綠色長裙) ,勿穿拖鞋或涼鞋,請穿
  合宜鞋子;穿著夏季休閒服(休閒服短袖、深藍色運動褲、深藍色外套) ,請穿合宜鞋

                            學務處生活輔導組 敬啟

Subject: Please follow the wearing guidance whenever in campus or cafeteria, no slippers are allowed.

1.To build a good humanity culture and living etiquette in the campus, please greet or nod with smile to each other.

2.During the school hours, please respect the Student Life Guidance Regulations and wear the school uniform accordingly, in order to present a good living etiquette.

3. Please wear school uniforms as required when you come to the school office for any administrative or official affairs, and no slippers allowed.

4.Winter uniform regulations:
4.1 For male students: please wear winter uniform (white long-sleeve shirt and grey trousers), belt and tie; or summer casual uniform (long-sleeve casual outfit, dark blue sport trousers, dark blue coat), with appropriate shoes, slippers are not allowed when entering into teaching and administrative zone).
4.2 For female students: please wear skirt uniform (white long-sleeve shirt and light green long skirt), with appropriate shoes, no slippers or sandals; or summer casual uniform (long-sleeve casual outfit, dark blue sport trousers, dark blue coat), with appropriate shoes, slippers are not allowed when entering into teaching and administrative zone).

Thank you for your cooperation.
Life Guidance Section / Office of Student Affairs

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2024/3/5  公告迄止 :2023/4/5
 主辦單位   協辦單位 