公告單位  學務處生活輔導組  公告日期  2021/12/8
 主  旨  請各班級保持教室清潔,良好環境需要大家共同維護!
 內  容 




                              學務處生輔組 敬啟
Subject:Please keep the classroom tidy. A good environment needs to be maintained by everyone.

in all departments of the school are requested to pay attention to energy saving, environmental protection and classroom cleaning. Please turn off the lights and fans when you leave the classroom, and personal garbage should not be left in the classroom. Highly appreciate for your dedication in energy-saving and ethics cultivation in the daily life.

The evaluation of each department is coming soon, all of the class service leaders please do remind your classmates to pay attention to the cleanliness of the classroom environment. If you need cleaning tools, you can borrow them from the Life Guidance Section of the Student Affairs Office. A good environment requires the cleaning and maintenance of all students.

At present, some classrooms are left with personal belongings, and some of the belongings cannot be judged as to who owns them and have caused the classroom to be messy.

In order to maintain the cleanliness of the classroom, please remove the personal and community items placed in the classroom before the cleaning. If they are not brought back before the cleaning, they will be treated as waste and removed. Please cooperate.

Cleanliness, energy saving, and environmental protection are not only slogans. Everyone is accountable for execution.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Life Guidance Section / Office of Student Affairs

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2021/12/8  公告迄止 :2021/12/21
 主辦單位   協辦單位 