公告單位  分子生物暨人類遺傳學系  公告日期  2019/4/18
 主  旨  歡迎報名參加:Next-Generation Sequencing Data Analysis: A Practical
 內  容 
【名稱】:Next-Generation Sequencing Data Analysis: A Practical Introduction 工作坊
【內容】:Section1 : DNA-seq Data Analyses
1. Docker usage for Beginners
2. Introduction to the format and quality assessment of next general sequencing data
3. Preprocessing of raw reads of DNA-Seq
4. Read mapping/alignment
5. Visualization of mapped reads(IGV)
6. Germline and somatic variant discovery
7. Variant annotation and filtration
8. Advanced filtration for research and clinical contexts

Section 2 : RNA-seq Data Analyses
1. Introduction to RNA-seq
2. RNA-seq quality control
3. Read mapping/alignment
4. Differential expression analysis
5. Gene set analysis
6. Pathway and GO analysis
7. Discussion
【參加對象】:慈大教師  慈大職員  慈大學生  
【主講者/主持人】:范文郎博士(Assistant Research Fellow, Genomic Medicine Core Laboratory, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taiwan)


 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2019/4/18  公告迄止 :2019/5/18
 活動起始 :2019/5/18  活動迄止 :2019/5/18
 主辦單位 :分子生物暨人類遺傳學系  協辦單位 
 活動地點 :慈濟大學H505電腦教室