公告單位  人文處教育文化組  公告日期  2019/4/9
 主  旨  攤位招募04/19【善行共振 讓愛'非'揚】募心募愛活動Join Us to Support Africa
 內  容 
做好事不能少您一人 大家快快一起來
地水火風,四大不調,世界災難頻傳,印度洋熱帶氣旋伊代(Idai)造成非洲莫三比克、辛巴威、馬拉威嚴重災害,超過百萬居民無家可歸,災區情況危急。非洲慈濟志工自2019年3月11日起就陸續前往災區勘災、救災。 證嚴 上人殷殷期盼為災民蓋磚塊的大愛屋,希望能為他們安身及安生活。

響應「善行共振 讓愛'非'揚」,

Let’s do something for the people in Africa and around the world!

【Join Us at the Charity Bazaar on April 19 to Support Victims of Cyclone Idai in Africa】
Since the catastrophic tropical Cyclone Idai struck the eastern African nations of Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Madagascar in March,
floodwaters have caused a humanitarian crisis of great proportions,
and as a result, millions of people have become homeless.
People in eastern Africa live so far away from us,
but we can put ourselves into their shoes and feel their sufferings. Moreover, maybe you are thinking about how we can attend to their needs.

If you want to do more, you may consider setting up a booth to offer handicrafts, cuisines, desserts, etc.
Every penny collected will be given to the needy.
Date&Time:Friday, April 19, 2019 , 12 PM-15:00PM.
Place:Outdoor Library Square, Main Campus.

The whole is donated to the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
(Donation project: International Relief).Please bring your oen utensils.
Let’s do something for the people in Africa and around the world!
Join Us!!!!|https://forms.gle/ypG9D4Bui3mpnZyH9

 附  件  :  文宣-中文 ▼  |  文宣-英文 ▼ 
 相關連結  : https://forms.gle/ypG9D4Bui3mpnZyH9
 公告起始 :2019/4/9  公告迄止 :2019/4/19
 活動起始 :2019/4/19  活動迄止 :2019/4/19
 主辦單位 :人文處  協辦單位 
 活動地點 :校本部圖書館中庭