公告單位  學務處生活輔導組  公告日期  2019/3/18
 主  旨  107-2nd Semester off-campus housing safety advocacy
 內  容 
一、In order to help off-campus housing students and all teachers gain a better
understanding of matters related to rental housing, there will be a seminar on the
lifestyle and legal information related to rental housing, as well as assistance with
off-campus leasing throughout the event.
All students and teachers are welcome to participate in the advocacy activities.
二、Time:【Main Campus】 108/3/27 (Wednesday) 1200-1400
  【Jieren Campus】 108/3/28 (Thursday) 1200-1400
  三、 Place:【Main Campus】 B104 Auditorium Classroom.
     【Jieren Campus】 Joint Office Outdoor Lounge.
  四、Event Details:
(一) Seminar on disaster prevention.
(二) Rental housing safety poster on display.
(三) Participation in the safety advocacy event and completion of a questionnaire
nets you a fantastic meal box.
(四)By filling out the questionnaire and answering questions by the grants
participation in a lottery, where fine prizes are available.

學生事務務處生活輔導組 敬啟

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2019/3/18  公告迄止 :2019/3/28
 主辦單位 :Life Guidance Division  協辦單位 