公告單位  學務處生活輔導組  公告日期  2018/10/29
 主  旨  Student Uniform for Seasonal Change to be effective from 2018/12/3 (Mon)
 內  容 
  ∼祝福您 健康平安∼
                                 學務處生輔組 敬啟

To All Students:
  The weather is getting colder, please keep warm. Please be noted that students will change the uniform type from December 3th, 2018, as we are now entering winter season.
  We would like to remind you to wear proper uniform for attending classes and activities.
Please DO NOT wear short pants. If you are unable to wash your pants on time, please wear dark blue or black long trousers. Also, wearing slippers or sandals in the campus is considered to be inappropriate.
Please mind the weather and keep yourself warm, in particular during the dawn and night time.
  If you have any further questions, please contact the Life Guidance Division or dial the extension number #1202 for further information.

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2018/10/29  公告迄止 :2018/12/3
 主辦單位 :Life Guidance Division  協辦單位 