公告單位  醫學科學研究所  公告日期  2018/3/16
 主  旨  Admission Results for Direct Transfers from the MSc to Ph.D. Program (2018)
 內  容 
Student ID Full Name Admission Types
Program of health science 104324112 冉毅炘 (Admission offer)
Program of basic science 106324122 Mohammed Thangameeran (Admission offer)

Students with admission offers should submit the admissions acceptance form before March 23, 2018.

If you have any question, please contact the office of Institute of Medical Sciences (03-8565301 ext. 2011).

Thanks for your cooperation.

 附  件  :  Decline of Admission ▼  |  Intent to Register ▼ 
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2018/3/16  公告迄止 :2018/4/15
 主辦單位 :醫學科學研究所  協辦單位 