公告單位  國際暨兩岸事務處教育組  公告日期  2018/3/7
 主  旨  【敬邀國際學生參與】2018年聯合國非政府組織會議說明會2018 United Nations NGO Conferen
 內  容 
(一)慈濟基金會每年均受邀出席由聯合國公共資訊部籌辦之「聯合國公共資訊部/非政府組織會議(UN DPI / NGO CONFERENCE)」,透過專題演講、座談、交流等活動,聚焦非政府組織相關之特定議題,共同訂出具體針對永續發展之方向。


1. 曾參與慈濟人文活動,具慈濟人文精神與理念。
2. 英文聽、說、讀、寫流利,能以英文介紹慈濟。
3. 對於結合聯合國與慈濟志業有興趣者。
4. 未來有意願進入慈濟各志業服務者為佳。

(三)前往美國實習:7月1日~ 8月18日(時間會因當地會議日期微調)
實習內容:會議前準備與參與聯合國周邊會議、聯合國High Level Political Forum(HLPF)會議、參與UNDPI 會議、非營利組織相關會議等。




1. The origin:
(A) Every year, Tzu Chi Foundation is invited to attend 'United Nations Public Information UN DPI / NGO CONFERENCE ' to focus on specific issues related to non-governmental organizations through speeches, seminars and exchanges, and jointly set out specific targets for sustainable development
(B) Tzu Chi Foundation invites Tzu Chi University international student representatives to participate in the international conference, to enhance the international perspective of students, and share the spirit and achievements of Tzu Chi.
(C) Tzu Chi Education collaborates with Tzu Chi Foundation to select qualified international students to participate in the international affairs activities.
(D) This year's meeting will focus on ' United Nation (UN) and Sustainable development goals (SDGs)'

2. Purpose:
Let Tzu Chi students:
1. Understand Tzu Chi internationalization and influence.
2. Learn the non-profit organization practices of global concern.
3. Enhance the international reputation of Tzu Chi University.

3.Object of application and qualifications:
(A) Applicants:International students.
(B) Qualifications:
1. Has participated in Tzu Chi cultural activities, with Tzu Chi humanistic spirit and philosophy.
2. English Listening, speaking, reading, writing fluently, can introduce Tzu Chi in English.
3. Students who interested in combining the United Nations Works and Tzu Chi Works.
4. Students who have future plan to enter the Tzu Chi service are better.

4.The itinerary:
(A) Pre-Selection:
1. Registration: March7 to 30 , 2018
2. First batch candidates’ announcement: April 9, 2018
3. Final candidates’ selection: May 16 , 2018
(B) Pre-trip preparation and training: June ,2018
(C) Internship dates: July 1st ~ August 18 ,2018
Preparation for Participation in United Nations Conferences before the Conferences
High Level Political Forum (HLPF) meeting in UN Headquarter, New York
UN DPI Conference, NGO Community Meetings, Regional Tzu Chi Office Presentations, and Meetings in Related Meeting Participation, Meeting Materials Collection and Visiting Important Government Officials in Washington DC.

Round-trip economy class international ticket.
Tzu Chi USA arranges accommodation and transportation during internship.

(A)Date: 2018/3/12
(二)Venue: 2nd Conference Room
(三)Time: 1230pm

If you have any questions, please contact OIA.

 附  件  :  會議簡章 ▼  |  English Version ▼ 
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2018/3/7  公告迄止 :2018/3/30
 活動起始 :2018/7/1  活動迄止 :2018/8/18
 主辦單位   協辦單位 