公告單位  秘書室  公告日期  2018/2/7
 主  旨  慰問信(The bless wishes from TCU's president)~祈願人人平安
 內  容 





校長 王本榮

Dear faculty members, staffs and students,

The powerful 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck at 23:50 on February 6.
Emergency responders have rescued over 150 people from hotels and residential buildings in Hualien.

Your families are probably worrying about your safety, if you haven’t contacted them, please do now.

You might have a scary night, so did I. These earthquakes come and go, which we don’t have any control over. Yet we may face them as they are, put them aside, and keep going.

Now, many Hualien affectees need our help. You can pray for them, or if you are available to help them in person, please contact Office of Humanities (alibu0114@mail.tcu.edu.tw).

I am grateful that we are safe. Be sure to keep yourself safe, and I would like to wish you the best.

Best regards,

Pen-Jung Wang, M.D., Ph.D.

President of Tzu Chi University

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2018/2/7  公告迄止 :2018/2/17
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