公告單位  研究發展處學術研究組  公告日期  2020/1/16
 主  旨  中研院神經科學辦公室 - 聯合國科學組織IUBMB focused meetin(109.2.25-109.2.27)
 內  容 
Neurodegenerative diseases are the most devastating diseases of the 21st century, and medical needs have not been met. There is an urgent need for in-depth research on basic mechanisms and disease treatment. At this conference, we want to provide a platform to discuss the latest advances in neurodegenerative diseases and the potential of treatment development with a view to building connections and promoting collaboration. With the support of IUBMB (International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), the conference topics covered Alzheimer's disease, dyskinesia, protein aggregation and transmission, and stem cell research.

Topics in the Meeting
1. Alzheimer's Disease
2. Movement Disorders
3. From Protein Aggregation to Neurodegenerative Diseases
4. Cellular Therapy

*Abstract Submission Deadline: January 20, 2020
*Registration Deadline: January 31, 2020
*Date: February 25-27, 2020
*Location: International Conference Hall, National Biotechnology Research Park (國家生技園區國際演講廳)

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  : https://iubmb.npas.programs.sinica.edu.tw/
 公告起始 :2020/1/16  公告迄止 :2020/2/6
 主辦單位   協辦單位 