公告單位  學務處衛生保健組  公告日期  2020/1/6
 主  旨  Keep African swine fever (ASF) out ! (非洲豬瘟防疫資訊)
 內  容 
During the intensive period of domestic and foreign tourism, academic exchanges and overseas students returning home during the Spring Festival, in order to prevent the occurrence of African swine fever, please pay more attention to avoid being punished for bringing in meat.

ASF is a devastating,infectious disease for pigs. Death toll can be as high as 100%. As of today, no vaccine or cure is available. In case of an ASF incursion, a 200,000 NT dollars loss is expected.

We need your cooperation to protect the pig industry in Taiwan:

NO bringing of meat products into Taiwan.
NO purchasing on the internet of meat products from abroad.
NO visiting of foregign animal farms.

!!! Violators who bring meat products to Taiwan will be fined up to 1,000,000 NT dollars.

Starting Jan. 25. 2019,foreigners fined NT$200,000 for carrying quarantine items illegally will be prohibited entry into Taiwan if the fine isn’t fully paid.

Please do not bring animal or plant products into Taiwan.

 附  件  :  post1 ▼  |  post2 ▼  |  post3 ▼ 
 相關連結  : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm0OVu4j67g
 公告起始 :2020/1/6  公告迄止 :2020/2/6
 主辦單位 :學務處衛生保健組  協辦單位 