公告單位  國際暨兩岸事務處教育組  公告日期  2019/12/18
 主  旨  Muslim Prayer Room Inauguration Ceremony 穆斯林祈禱室啟用儀式
 內  容 

地點: 地點:慈大校本部 穆斯林祈禱室(圖書館3F D336)

TCU Muslim prayer room has been set up after a year. Muslim students are thankful for the provision of a place to pray,therefore, the'Muslim Prayer Room Opening Ceremony'will be held.

For those who are interested to join the ceremony, please fill in the google form below by 24th of December.First come first serve.

Date:2019.12.27(Friday) 11:00-12:00
Venue: Muslim prayer room of Main Campus (D336)

 附  件  :  活動海報 ▼ 
 相關連結  : https://forms.gle/3espfGrv9k8wbxgy7
 公告起始 :2019/12/18  公告迄止 :2019/12/30
 主辦單位 :國際暨兩岸事務處  協辦單位 