公告單位  研究發展處貴重儀器中心  公告日期  2019/10/21
 主  旨  研發處公告-儀器中心部份設備暫停使用Some equipment in the instrument center is out of service
 內  容 
From now to the end of December. Because instrument center decoration, some instrument will be out of service. The list is as follows. (It will be open next year around January, after training courses.)

1.正立螢光顯微鏡ZEISS/Axio Scope.A1
2.超微量分光光度計廠牌:BioDrop Ltd.規格:BioDrop μlite 觸碰式超微量分光光度計
3.3D印表機廠牌/PING 3D Printer.規格/PING 300
4.即時聚合脢連鎖反應儀/廠牌:Applied Biosystems(ABI)/規格:QuantStudioR 5 Real-Time PCR System .96-well. 0.1 mL
5.冷凍切片機/Leica/ CM3050S

Due to the process of center decoration, the instrument will be out of service or open depending on the actual situation, and we will re-announce it.

研發處 儀器中心
03-8565301 分機1403

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2019/10/21  公告迄止 :2019/11/30
 主辦單位   協辦單位 