公告單位  校安中心  公告日期  2019/8/23
 主  旨  「白鹿」颱風即將來襲,請各單位確實做好防颱準備
 內  容 
一、根據中央氣象局108年08月23日11時氣象報告,輕度颱風白鹿(國際命名 BAILU ),中心位置在北緯 18.6 度,東經 125.7 度,即在臺東的東南方約 660 公里之海面上,以每小時25公里速度,向西北進行,其暴風圈正逐漸朝臺灣東南部海面接近,對臺灣東南部海面、巴士海峽及臺灣海峽南部構成威脅。受颱風影響期間將有局部較大雨勢,請注意防範瞬間大雨、雷擊及強陣風、溪水暴漲及坍方、落石、土石流,低窪地 區慎防淹水。


                    校園安全暨緊急應變中心 敬啟
1.According to the weather forecast from the Central Weather Bureau at 11:00 am on 23 August, 2019, Tropical Storm BAILU will affect the southeast coast of Taiwan. Please beware of sudden torrential rain, lightning, gusty winds, risen river tides, landslide,falling rocks and flooding in the lowland areas.
2.All units/sectors, please be prepared for the coming typhoon by:
(1)Moving all the pots and items from outdoor to the indoor spaces, and
cleaning the balconies to ensure smooth drainage;
(2)Closing all the windows in the nearby public spaces, and making sure all
the French doors are locked properly;
(3)Double-checking again before you go home.
3.All boarders, please be prepared for the coming typhoon by:
(1)Following all the precaution instructions against typhoon;
(2)Checking the windows, lighting, broadcasting equipments, balconies and/or
transom windows of your dormitory room, and moving all your outdoor
belongings back to your room;
(3)Preparing the following items: torch, batteries, radio, drinking water and
(4)Avoiding outdoor activities in the mountain, river and sea-side areas.
DO NOT go wave-watching at the beach, and be alert for your safety!
4.TEL. for TCU’s 24-hr Campus Safety and Emergency Center: 03-8560505.

 附  件  : 無附件
 相關連結  :
 公告起始 :2019/8/23  公告迄止 :2019/8/31
 主辦單位   協辦單位 